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Hi, At the time of writing, it has been 2 days after my "Blue Whale" video was uploaded, I mentioned some things in the pinned comment, if you haven't seen it, you probably should.

First and foremost, I hope you enjoyed the video, I am working on bettering the concept and structure of these types of videos, since I plan on using this format in the future. 

Secondly, I would like you to know that there is something coming hopefully next month, (see the "release dates" section in the home page.)

Thirdly, I would like to mention My upload schedule may be a little staggered, and sometimes (if not, most of the time) I may not be able to meet the planned release dates for videos and whatnot. 

This is because, ever since it opened, school has been devouring most of my time as of recent. 

Now, for me this is no issue, I already have a schedule designed so that I can work on both School related things and Youtube/game developing things. However, this schedule is designed so that I'm working more on school things than I am with Youtube/game developing, this cannot be changed because (as many of us know) school consists of going through 5 days of the week, this leaves me one and a half days to work to work on Youtube/game developing things. (Keep in mind there is homework to complete, otherwise it would have been Two days)  

Again, not an issue for me, I understand time (of which could be spent working on things like Youtube and whatnot)  needs to be sacrificed for something equally as important. However, the thing that concerns me that I may have to delay uploads and whatnot sometimes (if not often) 

I'm not here to discuss my concern, however, I just thought I'd let you know 

about the change. I will try my best to work as hard as I can, in order to bring you my 100% on time as much as I can! 

Thanks for reading, I know this was a bit of a long one. 

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