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Good evening, I assume you're here from my video titled "Jokes and being funny." 

As mentioned in the video (as well as the pinned comment); Despite the obvious rendering issues in the video, I still do hope you enjoyed the video.


Now for what you probably came here for; the thumbnail.  


As always, I'm unsure of when I'll be able to do a redraw, but when I do, I'm going to try and rectify the issues that can be seen at first glance. Such as the lighting of the letters unnecessarily and sporadically being seen throughout the thumbnail, and the "HA HA HA HA" Part, for some reason, being written in that font. 

Other than that, there isn't necessarily much else I want to say in regards to this thumbnail. I hope you enjoyed the video, and I wish you all a very pleasant evening. 

- Skill dev :) 

-28th of March 2021 update- 

Good evening, at the time of writing this, It's been 6 days since I released the video. Again, despite the rendering issues, I hope you enjoyed the video. 

I redrew the thumbnail for the video, so here it is! 


I was attempting to be a little more experimental with this redraw, I wanted to see if I could add eyes to the character in thumbnails, as well mess around with the lighting a bit. 

With that, I don't necessarily have much else to say about this redraw.

Once again, despite the rendering issues with the video, I still hope you enjoyed it. 

I hope you enjoyed the video, and I wish you all a very pleasant evening. 

-Skill dev :) 

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