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Good evening; at the time of writing, it has been 3 days since my "Light mode: Ruining your Retnas" video has been uploaded. 

Firstly, I would like to state that I hope you enjoyed the video. I wanted to make this post so that I can share the thumbnail for those who care enough to view. 


As you could supposedly conclude for yourself, this doesn't look as refined, the character's ear is, for some reason, the ear itself seems to be rather displaced,

as a connection between the face and the ear is obscured from the drawing. 


For this reason, I decided to redraw the thumbnail, as you can supposedly conclude for yourself, a lot changed, the character's ear is no longer red, and a clear connection from the ear to the face is more visible, making the ear feel more of an actual part of the head. A few more vigilant of you may also acknowledge that the border looks slightly different, and the red section of the background is a more lighter variation of the colour.

Aside from what I've listed; there are a few more changes that are categorical enough for you to identify for yourself. 

Once again, I hope you enjoyed the video, and I wish you all a pleasant evening. 

-skill dev :) 

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